Lunes, Abril 30, 2012

Home Renovation

I live with my man in a medium-size house. Living together we had no desire to change anything in our house. When we got to know that we are waiting for a baby then we start thinking about changing something in our house. I personally would like to change office-room of my man into baby's-room. His office-room can be organized in smaller room and on the place of his office-room it’s possible to make wonderful baby's-room. It's big enough for bed, wardrobe, table, toys. Moreover, it has beautiful view into the garden. So all its left to do is to bring office furniture into another room, paint the room into another color, change the surface of the floor and bring new baby's furniture into the room. So this part of the house I would like to be changed in the nearest time.

My Favorite TV Show

Nowadays there are lots of different TV shows. Different age categories of the people can be interested in different kind of TV shows. I like different TV shows, to be honest. My favorite TV show is called “Prince looks for bride”. In this show there are three princes that are looking for the brides. The main point is that they are not let to tell girls about their status of being prince. Moreover, they should live in normal apartment, have regular work and have regular salary that normal people get used to get. They have two months to find their true love in a new country. I find this TV show being interesting and that's why it’s my favorite TV show.

Biyernes, Abril 13, 2012

Song of My Life

I don't have a song of my life. I used to think Metallica 'understood' me and was singing about me. But guess what? I have changed. I still enjoy Metallica's songs, but not with as much passion as I used to have for them. I have song(s) of the day, or perhaps the hour or few hours. It's funny I know, but that's how it's been. I sometimes wake up with a song running in my head like a broken record. It may not even reflect what I feel at that time! So that's how it's going, my life on a forward mode and songs that keep changing according to what I (may not) feel. Sounds so weird to me, I wonder what you must be thinking!

My Personal Thoughts On Photography

There have been many advances in the world of photography since I have been around. It is really amazing the cameras they have these days. The digital cameras they have developed take such life like pictures. There are computer programs that can alter pictures so much you may not believe what you are seeing, and in many cases you shouldn't. I am very glad I have lived in the era of being able to take pictures to document times in my life. I enjoy looking back at pictures to remember an event and to see how much things have changed since the picture was taken. My kids can take hundreds of pictures with their cameras and I don't have to pay a fortune to get them developed. They can see them on their computers.

Give A Hoot, Don't Pollute

I grew up with those commercials, and the "crying Indian" one and the whole "Pitch In" campaign, so I really took them to heart in many ways. I drive as little as possible, which I think helps me cut down on the pollution contribution that I am making. I recycle whenever possible. I reduce and reuse many, many things in my household. I wash clothes in cold water (uses less electricity) and hang the laundry on the clothes line as often as possible. I am extremely careful about not littering. I taught this to my children as well. They had it drilled into their heads so often they got a kick out of being able to throw apple cores or banana peels out the car window because I told them it was okay to litter these (in certain areas) because they are biodegradable.

Huwebes, Abril 12, 2012

Exclusively for Adults Only

Obviously, with the stress we experience in daily life, lots of us were trying to find way on how to relieve it. Some of us were just catching enough rest while others “hang” with their friends and this is the reason why concept of “night life” exists. Since this is “in” nowadays, managers should prepare their disco bars very well so more people will visit them. They may hire DJ’s that are able to provide quality music. To enhance the beauty of the place, try to install DJ Lasers. This can encourage people to dance and have a “showdown” at dance floor while DJ plays a lively beat. In this manner, enjoyment can be felt by everyone, hence relieving stress that they have been experiencing.

Personal Hyperbaric Chambers

There are many people that are using Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. They know that by using this kind of therapy, it can make their diseases or any ailments cured. This is after all a kind of therapy where more oxygen is put into your body. Did you know that you can also do this at the comforts of your own home? You don’t have to go to a clinic or hospital to do this. All you need is your Personal Hyperbaric Chambers. You can place this in your own home and enjoy the benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen without the hassle of going to a clinic and pay them for this kind of therapy.