Sabado, Enero 28, 2012

Excitement For Wedding Guests

Planning for my wedding reception was a major task for me. I want my guests to stay even if my fiance and I leave for our honeymoon. So I want to have all that I can get when it comes to food, venue and music. Everything is taken cared of, except for the music. I do not know what to hire – a live band or a mobile sound system? Though the mobile sound system offers a good price, I don't know if my guests will enjoy what they have. So, I asked for a couple of sample songs and found them quite good. What made me decide was when they brought out all their equipment and started to play an upbeat dance song with those DJ lasers. It made the dance floor come alive and I can almost feel the excitement. I know I did not made a wrong decision with the mobile sound system – I enjoyed the sample demonstration!

I Love The Holiday Season

I am rather fond of the Christmas holidays. I always look forward to this time of year as everybody seems to be happy and relaxed. It is a great time to catch up with relatives and close friends. We spend lots of time exchanging presents and talking about the year. I usually have a celebration on Christmas Eve at my loft apartment in New York City and spend time on the terrace. It is the perfect excuse to overindulge in shortbread, fruit cake, chocolate, mince pies and turkey. During the holiday season my partner and I tend to go away overseas usually to Australia where it is beautifully warm.

Love and Light

During my younger years, I used to enjoy dancing with my husband. In fact, I met my husband while dancing on a dance floor with my female friends. I did not notice him as I was enjoying the nightclub lighting as I dance the night away. I was totally enjoying myself. When a slow number came, I rushed to take my seat, because I have no boyfriend at that time. All my female friends have theirs, so I was left at the table alone. I was admiring the way the lights play with the music, creating a soft glow. It was at this moment that my husband came and asked me to dance. Well, the rest is history.

Miyerkules, Enero 25, 2012

My Take On Climate Change

I believe climate change is real and we need to take action to prevent it from getting worse. We have experienced unusual weather patterns and extreme weather. We have had a Tsunami in Japan and other countries which have taken thousands of precious lives. Many scientists have found that sea levels are rising and has the possibility to wipe out countries if they continue to rise. Human activity causes climate change They have also made a claim that the temperature has increased which can upset the eco system. Personally I believe climate change is caused by human activity such as forest deforestation and being highly dependent on fossil fuels which was releases carbon into the atmosphere.

How To Stay Occupied

I used to console myself with food when I was bored. That was not really working out as I was gaining weight. I decided that I needed other activities to keep me occupied. When I am bored I do a variety of things. If the weather is bad I jump online, listen to music or read. If the weather is fairly pleasant I go for a long walk or run. In the evening if I am bored I often watch the news which seems to keep me occupied. They often have an interesting documentary after the news. If there is not anything worth watching I have an early night.